The Abbey Vocational School comes under the patronage of Donegal Education and Training Board (ETB). The ethos of an ETB school can be defined by this Ethos Statement:
ETB schools are state, co-educational, multi-denominational schools underpinned by the core values of: Excellence in Education, Care, Equality, Community and Respect.

View the ETBI Patrons' Framework on Ethos HERE.

ETB Ethos Week took place in school during the week 27th February to the 3rd March, with each day focusing on a different ethos domain - Excellence in Education, Care, Respect, Equality and Community. There were initiatives in classes and whole-school events to mark each domain of our ethos.
On Monday there were various in-class activities to highlight the excellent approaches to learning and teaching in the School. We also launched our Ethos TikTok competition. Students were invited to compile a TikTok on what ethos means to them and how it is manifested in our school. The Debating Club this week discussed the five core values within the ETB ethos and which they feel are most important in our school.On Tuesday we focused on the ‘Care’ element of the ETB Ethos. In assembly we had a Random Act of Kindness display board, throughout the day students were encouraged to choose a Random Act of Kindness and carry out this small act to make a positive impact on someone's day. TYs also went around to Wellbeing classes and asked students to suggest their own Random Acts of Kindness which were added to the display. An atmosphere of care and kindness was definitely felt throughout the school because, ‘no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted’ (Aesop).

On Wednesday we focused on highlighting the respectful culture in the AVS. There were some in-class activities and displays of people our students respect and we also devised a recipe for respect.We ‘Let Equality Bloom’ on Thursday by inviting our students to place their handprint on a whole school equality bloom display. This illustrated how we are all individuals and recognised our individual and collective strengths.

Ethos Week concluded on Friday with us coming together as a school community. There was a Staff Tea Party and a Community Themed Funky Friday with students performing in the Assembly at Lunch.