Abbey Vocational School
Donegal Town

Student Reflection

Students Reflecting on their Learning

School Improvement Target for 2019 / 2020

Why is reflection an important part of learning?

Whilst most people engage in reflection on a daily basis, much of this occurs in quiet moments by ourselves. Most students are not used to reflecting on their learning in a structured manner. They need some help to develop skills in reflective thinking and writing. Whilst this skill may be new to them at first, they will become more familiar with it as they progress through Junior & Senior Cycle.

Through reflection ‘in’ and ‘on’ learning students can:

  • become more aware of the knowledge and skills that they have developed
  • identify strengths and areas for development
  • develop and action plan for future learning
  • gain greater understanding of themselves and how they learn
  • take more responsibility for their learning

Examples of how students can reflect on their learning:

  • Write about their learning
  • Talk about their learning
  • Make a video diary about their learning journey
  • Set goals about their learning
  • Use peer/self-assessment

What is reflective learning?

Prompts for Student Reflection?


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The Glebe, Donegal Town, Co. Donegal, F94A409.
074 97 21105
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