ETB Ethos Week
AVS Respect Week
AVS "Ways to Stop Bullying Suggestion Box Launched during UNESCO International Day Against Violence & Bullying at School:
AVS Respect Box:
2022/2023 Anti Bullying Calendar
Awareness Weeks:
AVS Respect Week 2020
UNESCO International Day Against Violence & Bullying At School Awareness Day 2021
AVS Respect Week 2021
AVS Anti Bullying Week 2022 - Plan
Parents Presentations:
Anti Bullying Presentation
Mobile Phone Overuse Presentation
Teacher Presentations:
AVS Teacher Wellbeing And Anti Bullying Presentation - August
AVS Teacher Wellbeing and Anti Bullying Presentation - November
Student Presentations:
AVS Student Wellbeing and Anti Bullying Presentation 2021
Abbey Vocational School Anti Bullying Week Presentation 2021
Abbey Vocational School Anti Bullying Week Presentation 2022
Anti Cyber Bullying Policy AVS
Anti-Bullying Policy AVS
FUSE Programme
Lockers Programme
Bully 4U
Online Resources and Supports for parents and students
Anti Bullying Resources used in AVS
Restorative Practice Report
The Bullying Prevention Session
Stop The Bully
Zeeko Internet Safety
School Procedures:
AVS Bullying Referral Procedures
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