Peer Mentoring
What is Peer Mentoring?
This process involves transition year students meeting with 1st years at lunchtimes and various points throughout the term to support them in their transition into the secondary school environment.
There are a small number of mentors assigned to each 1st year tutor group so that they become familiar with their mentors and know that they have someone else in the school to help and support them in their new academic journey.
The main benefit of the Peer Mentoring Programme is that the TY students themselves have already lived through the transition experience from primary to secondary school. They can give students their advice and guidance to allowing them to adapt and feel content in their first year at the AVS.
Session 1 – Organisational Skills
The main focus during the first term will be around organisational skills. Mentors will meet with their assigned 1st year classes to discuss locker organisation and subject specific equipment and materials. They will also have a general catch up on how they are getting on during their first term and how they are settling into school life at the AVS.